Establish CPNYC as a leading advocate for the children of incarcerated parents and bring this neglected population into the mass incarceration conversation.
Rebalance how the media covers mass incarceration to include the voices of children. Book interviews with founder Sharon Content and select children, parents and staff. Bring press to CPNYC to see its impact in action, including CNN and multiple network TV affiliates.
Reached 130 million people with powerful stories about mass incarceration’s impact on kids, including The New Yorker Presents, BBC, People Magazine, Scholastic. Feature story in Buzzfeed News generated significant emails and calls from new supporters.
Momentum lived up to its name when we engaged them to raise awareness for the neglected population we serve at Children of Promise, NYC. In the span of just six months Momentum brought a whole new level of media attention to the needs of the children of incarcerated parents and what we are doing to help meet those needs.
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